Streamyx is slowing down again

Uh, Streamyx is slowing down again. Whenever you notice there's few or no updates of freebies from me, you know the line is slow. I can't upload nor download.

Guess what? My lowest download speed just break the record! It was 92 bytes per second and the new record was 86 bytes per second.

I've noticed that streamyx came out with a new ip server that starts with 115.*.*.*
Well I keep getting 115.133 or 115.134 everytime i reconnect my connection. I was trying hard to get something better like 60.48 ip or 219 or 189 or etc. 115 ips are way too slow for me here. Not sure about others.

Called up Streamyx today again, and was impressed that they work on Sunday as well. Anyway, they said the down time will be until 5th of March. After that, everything will be back as usual. Until then, we'll see what happen. Hopefully I will be able to get back my old superb ip address! I used to have 200+KB per second download and now drop down to 86 BYTES per second. Can you imagine how suffer it is.

Anyway, I still owe JX another mp3 splitter, will get it up when the line is better.


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