It has been a long time I didn't update the blog. No time plus addicted with Facebook a lot nowadays. Anyway, besides facebooking, I also play some pictionary kind of games at iSketch which kills time a lot. Besides that, I do addicted to FailBlog! Not really addicted but I do visit them daily as they have new "FAILS" updated everyday.

FAIL not as in failing school exams but FAIL as in LIFE FAILURE. Like for example...

more example...

even more example......

This one was actually a typing error. It's "O" instead of "I" because the letters were just next to each other on the keyboard. QC FAIL!

Beside picture example... i do have video examples! Here it is!

A lot of fails more! Just noticed that in this world... there's so much fails worse than mine! hahah XD happy!


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