KL Trip

I'm back from KL trip! It was not a holiday actually, I was escorting my girl to her banking course, then went to cousin's house and overnight while she is staying at the bank assigned hotel.

I was in KL for 4 days overall, it was very relaxing because usually when I go to KL with my girl... She pull me off to shopping and etc, this time I don't go anywhere just relax at home. I love this quality time. I've got so much time to watch movies and learn piano. Yea, you didn't read it wrongly... I learn piano.

I know piano long ago, so I am just going there since my cousin owns a piano so I use his piano to practice this song - River Flows In You. There's a video below about the song i'm practicing, well... I manage to play until 1:15 as for now.

Besides this video, I have some
pictures to share with you all as well... Just some random pictures that I took during my KL trip. Here it goes!

Chocolates, and we spent almost RM100 for these japan made chocos...

My cousin, his hair macam "tong li hua cher"


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